Level 1 - Local Outdoor Activities
Prior to reviewing elements of this section for the purpose of planning an activity or outing, be able to confirm the following:
- I have at least a basic familiarity with the content in Sections 1 (Introduction) and 2 (Risk Management Primer) of this document.
- I have a solid understanding of all the material in Section 3 (General Considerations for Off-site activities), and any relevant subsections in Section 4 (Special Considerations) relevant to the activity or outing I am planning.
With this grounding, now review the following:
The vast majority of schools run most of their programs that include/revolve around outdoor recreation/sport activities/events in and very near the school, using existing municipal parks or other well-known facilities. This section is designed to provide teachers/leaders planning activities in this context some activity-specific guidelines to manage risks.
Land-based Spring, Summer and Fall Activities
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