YSO Solutions
YouthSafe Outdoors serves school systems across Canada.
NEW!!! NEW!!! NEW!!! - Updated Online YSO version now available in BC
The 2019 online version of YouthSafe Outdoors: Off-site Experience Safety for British Columbia Schools is now available for licensing. YouthSafe Outdoors will work with district/school authorities to establish access to this new resource package at the school level. Online delivery will ensure that all licensed end-users have 24/7 access to relevant resources.
Contact your administrator for more information.
Additional provincial jurisdiction online versions to follow in the new year. Stay tuned!
Other YouthSafe Outdoors Services
YouthSafe Outdoors provides a wealth of comprehensive, research-based resources, training and consultation services to help ensure schools and families can come from confidence in offering safe field trips, outdoor pursuits, sports, aquatics, travel, and other related endeavours. Role-specific risk management resources (information, tools) and services help ensure the integrated and harmonized efforts of:
- Trustees/directors
- Central and School-level Administrators
- Teachers/leaders/
- Parents/guardians
- Students
The range of solutions provided by YouthSafe Outdoors includes risk management and safety education resources and services provided through the following: